Smothered Cabbage Recipe

Learn how to make smothered cabbage in just a few easy steps. we like to cook it with bacon or sausages.

Cut the cabbage into cubes or thicker strips for frying. Both are suitable here.

In a large skillet, over medium-high heat, add some cooking oil and brown the sliced sausage. Remove to a side plate.

In the same skillet add a splash of water to deglaze the pan, if too many browned bits, carefully remove them with a paper towel first.

Add a little bit of oil, cabbage, salt, pepper, and sugar. Cook on medium-low heat until the cabbage is softened.

Add butter and stir through until melted. Return the sausages and simmer for a couple of minutes more.

Garnish with fresh parsley and serve as a side or main course with a portion of rice, potatoes, or salad. This dish makes about 2 main course portions.

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